So I have decided to become a vegetarian again. Which means there isn't much to eat in my house right now considering this fact AND I need to start reviewing my shopping list again for new items. I am excited don't get me wrong but I know I will find it harder than I did as a teen. Especially with hubby being a complete carnivore but as long as I have cut back I will consider it a win and only a matter of time till I have made the full transition. It will be a bit nicer on our meat budget as well come to think of it.
Another great change I will be making is teaming back up with our other contributor that has been as busy and stressed out as myself. I will be doing weekly morning workouts with her hopefully. I have yet to figure out how I will set that up but I will ensure to get that all sorted out tonight hopefully. I don't know how my house set up and computer setup will work for the dual workout we hope to do together but I can figure something out. I was thinking perhaps downloading the workout we pick online, then putting that on my USB for my TV letting me workout to the TV. Then I will have to point my web cam out towards the living room and see if that will give her a chance to see what I am doing. Then I will be praying she can hear me and vice versa without waking up the kids. It might be a silent thing considering I will be trying to do this EARLY in the morning.
I have spoken before about how I have wanted to try morning workouts, but I sincerely doubt my abilities to follow threw on that. I go to bed late waiting for hubby or working that I can't ever get out of bed in the morning. I am constantly dragging myself. But with my diet change I have made, a little hope, Emergen-C, and a prayer and I should be able to do it once in a while to really help rev up my metabolism. After all I need to look good for my pro head-shot they'll be doing for all the top 30 Mom Bloggers! I have to be looking my best. Saying that I am going to get up off my butt right now and I get myself a tall glass of water and plug in my knock off radio receiving Ipod in and see if I can't get my butt outside in the rain for a walk. Hubby is playing COD and swearing up a storm driving me nuts anyways so I might as well get out in the fresh muggy rainy air right??
So here is hoping that I make theses changes, that I follow through. That I keep on trucking, after all I just want to feel good inside and out without any doubt. I want to be fully HEALTHY!
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