For those of you that don't have a
pinterest account I highly suggest it. Not only does it have an amazing marketing potential for anyone. Personal trainers making boards of catered to certain workouts, interior designers trying to display ideas they have for styles or past projects, to help promote your blog or personal brand, fashion designers, honestly the possibilities are endless.
Recently I have noticed that it is a great way to share awesome new workouts you find have worked or you really enjoyed. To even use it as a way to get opinions on workouts if anyone has tried them! I mean half the time i never change the descriptions on mine but that is me. Point is I want to share a few amazing things with you that I managed to find on
pinterest and they are all health related.
I want to note that I am not a health professional and everything I say here you should consult with your dr blah blah blah you know the drill here. Right? Okay moving on...
a home "apothecary" sooo want this!! |
I am not gonna lie I NEED to have this apothecary... DESPERATELY!! I hope that you liked this really neat little tidbits I have found myself via pinterest. I really love it and I can't wait to show you more on a regular basis to help all of us become the healthiest that we all can be. It is manageable folks, we CAN do this!